jueves, 12 de enero de 2023

2023 New Year´s Resolutions: Eat healthy, Live happy.


Truth about New Year´s Resolutions: Start asap or you will forget them

Healhy lifestyle doesn´t happen in a fortnight, it requires 2 things : motivation and faith. Heaps of FAITH.

This is the reality: You are not motivated, I know. You just want to get the results. Let me tell you this: Motivation is not the first step. 
The first step is doing whatever you have to do, leaving your comfort zone, when you don´t want to do it anyway. So , you are not motivated , yet.
Motivation comes after the very first steps taken, and then the motivation machine; Dopamine Hormones.
That´s it: The dopamine hormones tells you: I want more of that, cause the reward is coming soon.

I will help you draw a simple plan to navigate through your biggest new year´s resolution commitment:

6 STEPS  to Eat healthy = Live happy

Progression towards a goal is never upwards or lineal. It is more like a rollercoaster, but with a long term vision of progession. And here is when FAITH enters the equation. When you are at a standstill, know that if you keep on with the plan the long term results will be positive.

Step 1:Start Fresh:  Remove all the evident processed foods from your cupboard and fridge. Once it is done, and to ensure there is nothing left, check with a professional (nutritionist, dietitian) who will help you with it.

Step 2: Write a list of foods that you cannot live without and decide: Chocolate? Coffee? cheese? And reach an agreement with you about when, with whom ,where do you want to eat them. Special occasions such as birthdays, celebrations, etc. There is no banned food , because psychology  agrees that the brain tends to think more and obsess about a food specially when it is prohibited. 

Step 3: Write the list of foods to fill your cupboard and fridge: Include alternatives to those you love: Instead of coffee, try, decaff, malt, chicory, tea... instead of hard cheese, try soft cheese....etc.

Step 4: Go to the supermarket with the stomach full and buy only what´s on the list.

Step 5: Plan your meals. Know the basic combinations that will even help you to improvise :
Protein (eggs, chicken,legumes) + Veggies + Omega 3 fats

Step 6: Move your body. No ammount of healthy food could substitute the cardiovascular excercise. Check your cardio health by taking the stairs.

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