viernes, 27 de diciembre de 2013

A Christmas mesage: Eat, Enjoy and Exercise!

Let´s not deny the evident: Christmas is as much about eating as family gatherings and presents. We still have a few memorable days left that involve a food and drink fest: New Year´s Eve, New Year´s Day and The Three King´s day( (in many countries like Spain, Portugal, France, Philippines and most Latin American countries).

So, if you are the host or the guest, there is always a good way of enjoying this moment without reaching the point of feeling stuffed. How unpleasant is that feeling when you finish the meal and your stomach is inflated like a balloon and you almost cannot eat anything until next day. Obviously, when that happens your whole digestive system is working so hard that it is almost impossible to avoid some digestive aid.

 What is the message during these days? : The 3 E's


What is wonderful is to be able to enjoy a delicious Xmas lunch without overeating and feeling guilty of gluttony.

What can we do when we are the guests?

- Offer ourselves to prepare some great salads and fresh vegetables.Believe it or not, they are always a winner. You will help your host and you will give yourself the opportunity to create fantastic salads that you will want to try first.

- Fish, meat or any other protein like seafood are almost on any menu. Enjoy them! try just a bit of everything and you will be able to get to dessert time with just enough space in your stomach to indulge in some good nougat or chocolate.

- All types of bread are also a must to accompany spreads, pates, butter...and they are the reason why many meals end up being extremely heavy. Try those spreads in little pieces of bread instead of a whole slice for each.


-That is the most important thing. To just enjoy the moment and delight yourself with all your senses in the food you are eating. This is a time for looong  conversations and laughs during meals. Now there is no excuse to rush , eat slow. As you know, the food that is slowly eaten will be much more easier to digest. Not only that, but you will also be able to recognize the moment when you are effectively full. Remember that your stomach needs at least 20 minutes to send the message of fullness to your brain.


Keep moving!! Always!! The key to a healthy lifestyle is the exercise. And it is of course the best way to balance a bit of extra calories accumulated in the form of glucogen in our muscles. It is actually great to work out with your batteries fully charged as you will probably perform much better.

Merry Christmas And a Healthy New Year!!

viernes, 13 de diciembre de 2013

Coaching nutricional: ¿Qué es y qué no es? / Nutritional coaching: What it is and is not?

With my brand new logo (finally!) I review today the important points to take into consideration when opting for a nutritional coach service.

What do I do as a Nutritional Coach?
  • I encourage change. I am your catalyst
  • Motivation and follow ups reviewing all the proposed tasks
  • I offer the important key tool for your balanced daily meal
  • I´m on your side to reach your nutritional goal
  • You learn and I guide you towards a more conscious and healthy eating
  • I work alongside with you to find alternatives to reach your target about healthy lifestyle
  • Together we discover your potential to improve your general wellbeing
  • I introduce you to many creative and practical tools to help you overcome your obstacles

What I don´t do as a Nutritional Coach?
  • Set your goal
  • Impose a specific way of eating ( veganism, vegetarianism, raw, paleo...)
  • Prescribe specific diet to follow according to medical conditions (that is dietitian´s competency)
  • Therapy or psychology related to eating disorders
  • Anthropometric measurements and weight control
  • Tell you what you have to do
  • Allow you to pursue a goal that might put your health at risk
Visit my Nutritional Coach Services page in the blog to find more about it.


Estreno mi nuevo logo (por fin!! gracias inmarazola3d !)  y  repaso los importantes puntos que hay que tener en cuenta a la hora de decidirse por coaching nutricional. 


 ¿Qué hago como Coach Nutricional?

  • Te impulso al cambio. Soy tu catalizador.
  • Motivación y seguimiento de las tareas a realizar
  • Ofrezco la herramienta básica clave para llevar la alimentación diaria equilibrada sin dietas
  • Acompañamiento en el logro de tu objetivo nutricional
  • Tú aprendes y yo te guio para tomar consciencia de alimentación saludable
  • Trabajo contigo alternativas para que tus metas para mejorar tu salud y nutrición
  • Descubrimos todo tu potencial para mejorar tu salud general
  • Facilito muchas herramientas creativas y didácticas que te ayuden a superar barreras

¿Qué no hago como Coach Nutricional?

  • Marcar tu objetivo
  • Imposición de un tipo de alimentación concreta (vegetarianismo, etc)
  • Prescripción de una dieta estructurada a seguir. (Esto es competencia del dietista)
  • Terapia piscológica
  • Medición antropométrica y control de peso
  • Decirte lo que debes o tienes que hacer
  • Permitir que el objetivo del cliente  ponga en peligro su salud

Visita mi página de Servicio de Coaching nutricional en el blog para más información.

viernes, 6 de diciembre de 2013

Top 5 tips before going food shopping/ Los 5 mejores consejos antes de ir al supermecado

Léelo más abajo en Español

I open my fridge and I look inside. Yes, it might be a bit austere. However, and due to the tight budget most of us experience sometime, I rather have austere fridge than a greedy one. And there are some very useful tricks that once you put in practice it will help you to not come back home after shopping with the trolley running over food that you know shouldn´t have bought. Oops!

1- Plan your shopping day for the week.
2- Write your shopping list with all details.Or use a Smartphone app! Sort them out with food category and it will be much easier to focus:
Cereals and pasta
Tins and pickles
Seasoning and spices
Oils and spreads
Household items

* Write down What food and How much of each food.( Fruit: 4 Bananas, 5 kiwis)

3- Buy with your stomach full ! So, if you go to the supermarket after work, have a healthy snack (apple and yogurt ). Try it !. You will see that the day you buy on empty stomach ,the trolley will overflow with bakery, sweets, pizzas, crisps, fizzy drinks...
elana's pantry / / CC BY-NC-ND

4- Go regularly to the same supermarket. You will know which aisle to go without "getting lost" in the snacks section.

5-Keep your receipt to review expenses and browse the list of items you have bought. If you find something it was not genuinely meant to be bought ,it means that you have done a compulsive shopping ;-) And next time you will much more careful!

Yes, all this might seem common sense, but let´s not forget that this is the less common of all senses ;-P and it´s always good a reminder of good habits we can start putting in practice.

Versión en español:

Reflexiono sobre lo que hay en mi nevera y me doy cuenta de que es austera, si. Pero, prefiero nevera austera a nevera glotona. Comprar lo necesario en los tiempos que corren es de sabios. Y hay unos cuantos consejitos muy muy útiles que puestos en práctica  te ayudarán a no volver a casa con el carro a rebosar de comida que No deberías haber comprado!

1- Planifica el dia de la semana que haces la compra.
2- Escribe con lujo de detalle la lista de la compra. Hazlo por estas categorías y será más fácil:
Descárgate una de las aplicaciones para Smartphone
Cereales y Pastas
Conservas y encurtidos
Condimentos y especias

Apunta Qué y Cuánto de cada alimento.

3- Compra con el estomago lleno!---> O sea, si vas después del trabajo aseguraté que meriendas sano antes de salir al supermercado. Haz la prueba, verás que el dia que estás hambriento tu carro se llena de bolleria, pan, patatas fritas, dulces....

4- Ves siempre al mismo supermercado, te conocerás bien las secciones y no te "perderás" por la sección de chuches innecesarias.
bark / / CC BY

5- Guarda el ticket de la compra , para revisar los gastos y relee los alimentos que has comprado. Si hay alguno que realmente no debería estar según tu lista, ya sabes, la cajita de chocolates que te ofrece la cajera o el pack de galletas 2X1, es porque has hecho una compra compulsiva ;-) 

Todo esto parece sentido común, pero nunca viene mal hacer un recordatorio de todos estos buenos hábitos que ayudan a centrar, agilizar y ahorrar en nuestra compra semanal.