miércoles, 23 de octubre de 2019

Girl, are you eating enough broccoli? Food influences your period

Your period and the food you eat

When we talk about period , we seem to forget that is not only the mentruation phase but also the two main important changes that occur every month: Pre ovulation and Post ovulation

During your hormonal changes in the month the food that you eat will also affect how you feel (emotionally) and how your body deals with the constant monthly hormonal rollercoaster.

Here are some of the facts:

- Before your menstruation has finished your estrogen is on its way up again.
- Some days are better for chocolate than others
- Certain weeks are better to eat more carbohidrates
- There is bigger chance of successfully managing your diet if you start good habits after your period
- Certain weeks are much better to work on your strength and stamina
- Your ligaments are more flexible , but also you are more prone to injures at certain time of the month
- How you eat affects the way your body manages to remove excess estrogen of your system
- Broccoli and rest of crucifereous (cauliflower, coleshaw, brussels sprouts) should be part of your regular diet.
- Caffeine is not good for your hormones.

The 3 main cycle issues

We mostly can find the following isues, ,some women might have one others three, and some none.

  • Menstrual issues
  • Fertility issues
  • Energy/libido issues
If we spend years of our life untreating any of these conditions after menopause the risk of daibetes, dementia, cancer or cardiovascular disease can increase (you can read the NIH Biocycle research in the following link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2722955/ )

How can we prevent this?

1- Control insulin and sugar levels. 
2- Nourish adrenal glands 
3- Improve the elimination and support healthy microbiota
4- Follow a cyclical diet to eliminate excess estrogen and improve progesterone levels.

Insulin levels: How can we control them?

Sweet potatoes and Avocados are particularlly good to regulate insuline.

Eat small quantities of good carbohydrates (those with high fibre only, and unpeeled fruits) to stabilize sugar levels. 

Get rid of cortisol: help the adrenals

Adrenal Glands are responsible for flushing cortisol out of the bloodstream. In order to help them do this job it is important to have a good level of Magnesium. 
  • Magnesium controls the stress levels  and regulates cortisol (stress hormone)
  • Vitamin B5 reduces de cortisol effect
  • Vitamin C reduces oxidative stress
Eat: small pieces of 80% dark chocolate. leafy greens, pumpkin seeds, tuna, brown rice
Image result for food with magnesium
photo taken from Readers Digest

Healthy bowel: how can you make it stronger?

The microbiota living in your bowel is essential to improve the elimination of hormones and a stronger inmune system 
Some foods are particully good to improve the gut flora.
Take note of these : 
  • Sauerkraut
  • natural yoghurt
Image result for sauerkraut

Cyclical diet with more cruciferous and alliaceous 

Sulphur, Cruciferous and alliaceous foods containe sulphur, which increases the level of glutathione (good to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation- women with PMS have an imbalance of oxidant/antioxidant status specially if they have low level of glutathione) (see research in https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30275458)
  • Eat more: onions, garlic, leek, kale, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoliImage result for cruciferous vegetables estrogen

Dieta para...protección biliar

Dietoterapia esencial para la vesícula biliar

La obstrucción de los conductos de la vesícula biliar es debido a "piedras"  o cálculos de colesterol y pigmentos biliares--> Colelitiasis. Esta obstrucción de los conductos produce una inflamación de la vesícula---> Cólico biliar(dolor agudo).

¿Cual es la Causa?

 Principalmente se da por un EXCESO de COLESTEROL y consumo de GRASAS

¿Que hay que cuidar en la alimentación cuando hay cólico biliar?

(( Esta dieta está igualmente indicada en enfermedades hepáticas.))

Recomendaciones :
  1. Consumo de 1g proteina por kg peso corporal al dia.
  2. Consumo de Hidratos de carbono
  3. Grasas muy moderadas

La dieta primeramente será baja en grasa y colesterol.

Pasada la fase aguda se debe seguir una dieta de protección biliar

Alimentos aptos:
frutas (todas) excepto muy ácidas:cocidas, compota, mermelada
flan o natillas
leche desnatada y derivados desnatados
purés : de patatas (con leche desnatada), al horno, cocidas en agua.
purés de legumbres(judias, lentejas, garbanzos) muy cocidas (Doble cocción y en remojo) y tamizadas
sopas de arroz blanco, tapioca, semola, fideos
Pastas sin huevo
pan y galletas sencillas tostadas
pescados blancos: merluza, tilapia, abadejo, lenguado, dorada, besugo.
carnes magras sin grasa visible: conejo, ternera, pechuga de pollo/pavo sin piel
aceite crudo en poca cantidad(2 cucharas al día)

Preparación: plancha, cocido, salteado, vapor, microondas
No frituras ni guisos grasos

Alimentos a restringir:
cebolla ,ajos
legumbres---> tomarlas pero en forma de puré ,muy cocidas y tamizadas

Alimentos a evitar:
Grasas y Azúcares
pescados grasos azules y en conserva
marisco(alto en colesterol)
quesos grasos y curados
grasa de carne(piel de pollo)
leche condensada
frutos secos
aceite cocinado (mejor crudo de oliva repartido durante el dia)